Josh Nesbitt
Co-Host of Off Script
I'm Josh. I made Stac to help companies build better software. I also want to help teams work better together. A large part of what I do is working alongside teams to improve engineering culture, through things like mentoring and workshops. I've ran entire software teams as a Head of Software Engineering, through to working as a Software Engineer to deliver massive projects in the best way possible.
It was working with so many people that helped me start Hey! and All Day Hey!, events designed to empower and educate people, not only about technology but important topics such as mental health and how to look after yourself in an industry that's moving at a thousand miles an hour.
Off the back of these events, I also take on public speaking engagements at user groups surrounding specific technologies, as well as broader events and conferences.
Josh Nesbitt has hosted 45 Episodes.
Episode 45: 2024 developer round-up
January 9th, 2025 | 42 mins 2 secs
all day hey, conferences, cyber security, development, hey, meetups, web
It’s time to reflect and plan ahead! James and Josh look back at a tumultuous 2024 in tech and ask the big questions about where things are heading.
What were the highlights?
What lessons can we learn?
How do we prepare for 2025?Listen now as we kick-off the year with a brand new instalment of Off Script!
Episode 44: Future of software engineering leadership - Part 2
December 11th, 2024 | 22 mins 59 secs
all day hey, conferences, cyber security, development, hey, meetups, web
Part 2 has landed! For this outting of Off Script, Josh and James explore the ‘Future of engineering leadership’.
This is an episode born from Q&A discussions and ideas at the recent Off Script Live event in Leeds. Dive into the modern challenges and the future direction of leadership in software engineering.
Episode 43: Future of software engineering leadership - Part 1
December 3rd, 2024 | 27 mins 56 secs
conferences, css, curating a conference, cyber security, development, devsecops, events, front-end development, hosting, leeds, leeds international festival, organising, running a conference, shifting security left, tech, technology, web
Dive into the modern challenges and the future direction of leadership in software engineering in this episode of Off Script!
Episode 42: Imperfect innovation
August 28th, 2024 | 48 mins 8 secs
conferences, css, curating a conference, cyber security, development, devsecops, events, front-end development, hosting, leeds, leeds international festival, organising, running a conference, shifting security left, tech, technology, web
The historically popular development process of “move fast and break things” has got the biggest companies in the world far. In the age of AI, can we still take these risks in the name of progress or are the potential repercussions too great? Josh and James are joined by guest Jack Sails to discuss.
Episode 41: WWDC 2024 round-up
July 26th, 2024 | 32 mins 20 secs
all day hey, conferences, cyber security, development, hey, meetups, technology, web, wwdc
Jack Sails (IMA) is back with James & Josh to discuss the recent WWDC24 Apple Developer conference. Was AI the word of the conference? Find out as they work through everything revealed this year and how it will affect their products going forward.
Episode 40: Shifting security left
March 27th, 2024 | 24 mins 50 secs
conferences, css, curating a conference, cyber security, development, devsecops, events, front-end development, hosting, leeds, leeds international festival, organising, running a conference, shifting security left, tech, technology, web
Inspired by reading ‘Investments Unlimited’ and other books built around the principles of storytelling, James and Josh dive into DevSecOps and the bigger picture of shifting security left in this new episode of Off Script!
Episode 39: The beauty of side projects
February 28th, 2024 | 22 mins 8 secs
all day hey, conferences, cyber security, development, hey, meetups, side projects, web
What do fish donuts, a passion for cooking and elaborate recipes have to do with productivity? Are you getting enough of a creative outlet around your busy schedule? Josh and James discuss the importance of side projects and how the variety they add to your week benefits your work-life balance and output!
Episode 38: AI risks
February 9th, 2024 | 28 mins 34 secs
all day hey, conferences, cyber security, development, hey, meetups, web
What are AI risks? What do we need to consider when looking at our projects? Josh and James are are back for another episode of Off Script to dig deeper into this important topic!
Episode 37: 2023 developer round-up
December 22nd, 2023 | 58 mins 31 secs
all day hey, conferences, cyber security, development, hey, meetups, web
t’s time for our annual review of the year! In this episode, James and Josh discuss the many twists and turns that the last 12 months brought in this 2023 developer round-up.
Thank you for listening this year. We’ll be back with more episodes in the New Year!
Episode 36: Tech leadership misconceptions
December 11th, 2023 | 30 mins 13 secs
all day hey, conferences, cyber security, development, hey, meetups, web
Are all leaders extroverts? Does agile development mean there is no plan or documentation? Do leaders have to be the best developer? Following on from a recent in-person talk, James and Josh discuss more common tech misconceptions in the area of leadership.
Episode 35: Understanding emotional states
December 1st, 2023 | 17 mins 35 secs
all day hey, conferences, cyber security, development, hey, meetups, web
Any team will have a variety of emotional states when responding to problems. How do you analyse, understand and make meaningful decisions based on these differences? In this episode, James and Josh discuss different methods of understanding a team’s characteristics and how taking these into account can lead you to getting the best out of everyone.
Episode 34: Building communities
November 16th, 2023 | 36 mins 32 secs
all day hey, community, conferences, cyber security, development, hey, meetups, web
What are the steps to building a thriving community? What challenges might you face along the way? In this episode, James and Josh draw on their experience of creating and building communities online and offline, sharing their insights on how to make it a success.
Episode 33: AI ethics
September 11th, 2023 | 33 mins 21 secs
ai, all day hey, conferences, cyber security, development, hey, meetups, web
AI ethics - a hot, divisive topic and rightly so. James and Josh are back with a brand new episode of Off Script to dig in and explore a space that is impacting our lives more and more.
Episode 32: Static site generators
August 21st, 2023 | 29 mins 25 secs
all day hey, conferences, cyber security, development, hey, meetups, web
James and Josh explore the world of SSGs (static site generators)! The differences between SSGs and full stack frameworks, the associated technologies out there and what to consider with your project when deciding what is best for it.
Episode 31: Blockchain
July 21st, 2023 | 24 mins 40 secs
all day hey, blockchain, conferences, cyber security, development, hey, web, web3
What is the blockchain? How has it changed over time? Is it still killing the planet? James and Josh discuss various types of blockchain systems and how they might have some real world applications for social good.
Episode 30: WWDC 2023 round-up
June 14th, 2023 | 41 mins 35 secs
all day hey, conferences, cyber security, development, hey, meetups, web
James & Josh discuss the recent WWDC 2023 conference and break down some of the announcements. Dive in to the episode to hear all their thoughts on the latest developments coming out of Apple HQ and the impact it may have on us.