Off Script
A podcast for the tech community.
We found 10 episodes of Off Script with the tag “meetups”.
Episode 19: Why you should use React Native
July 29th, 2022 | 37 mins 5 secs
all day hey, conferences, cyber security, developer, development, hey, meetups, react native, web
What are the benefits of using React Native? Where did it come from and how might it be a useful choice for your app solution? Hosts James & Josh discuss their use of React Native and how it's helped streamline app development.
Episode 18: Internet of Things
June 29th, 2022 | 30 mins 10 secs
all day hey, conferences, cyber security, development, hey, internet of things, iot, meetups, web
How has the Internet of Things changed how we build internet connected devices, and does this approach sometimes overly complicated things? Hosts James & Josh discuss the world of IoT, its real world applications and some of the pitfalls projects fall into.
Episode 17: All Day Hey! 2022 round-up
June 14th, 2022 | 43 mins 32 secs
all day hey, conferences, cyber security, design, development, front end design, hey, meetups, web, web development
Off Script is back with a special episode as hosts Josh and James reflect on another successful All Day Hey! conference in Leeds and via live stream. Running through the talks and the dynamics of the day, listen in for a breakdown of how it all went and their thoughts on the talks of the day.
Episode 14: What is the metaverse?
January 28th, 2022 | 52 mins 31 secs
all day hey, conferences, cyber security, development, hey, meetups, metaverse, web
What is the metaverse and what has it got to do with Facebook? How do NFTs fit into it? Is it all 3D and gaming or is there more to it with business applications? Hosts James & Josh speak with our guest, Jack Sails and discuss where to begin with it and how to make sense of it all.
Episode 13: 2021 developer round-up
December 21st, 2021 | 1 hr 16 mins
all day hey, conferences, development, hey, meetups, web
2021 has been an eventful year! From January's coming together to launch the AVIF image format, April's Basecamp employee speech controversy and the web hitting 30 years old plus much more. Hosts James & Josh take us on a journey through the highs and lows of the year.
Episode 12: Productivity & mental health
November 29th, 2021 | 32 mins 12 secs
all day hey, changing career, conferences, getting into tech, hey, meetups, productivity tips, tech talks, web
How do you avoid burnout and keep productivity high? What methods can you use to help produce an efficient flow state? How have companies addressed these issues around hybrid working? Productivity and mental health go hand in hand but how do you manage it? Hosts James & Josh explore these issues around creating a positive motivated team.
Episode 11: Leadership
November 8th, 2021 | 33 mins 26 secs
all day hey, changing career, conferences, getting into tech, hey, meetups, team management, tech talks, web
What leadership style do you have? How do you foster a productive culture? When do you give people autonomy and when do you put your foot down? The decisions around how to lead a team can affect how successful a project delivery is.
Episode 09: Application performance
October 8th, 2021 | 36 mins 21 secs
all day hey, application performance, changing career, conferences, dev tools, getting into tech, hey, meetups, tech talks, web, web performance
What would your first steps be when working on application performance? What tools can you use to help you through this process? What are the challenges when you overly optimise your application? Our hosts James and Josh dive into these questions and outline their thoughts on this and much more.
Episode 08: Web application security
September 22nd, 2021 | 47 mins 51 secs
all day hey, conferences, hey, meetups, privacy, tech talks, tracking, web, web application security
Off Script hosts Josh and James discuss all things web application security. It’s something that is getting more and more important to get right. More cyber attacks. More ransomware attacks. They address good application hygiene and the common pitfalls they are seeing people fall for.
Episode 07: Career progression
July 28th, 2021 | 44 mins 47 secs
all day hey, career development, career progression, conferences, employee retention, hey, meetups, tech talks, web
We’re happy to welcome James Hall to Off Script as a new co-host alongside Josh Nesbitt in our new podcast format! The topic today is ‘Career progression’.